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Tuesday 15 October 2013

Schedule Time - End year!

Holla guys, I made a schedule book template for end year, I had most interest on schedule book, or something fancy cuties. So I'll give you my fancy happy schedule.

You can download a PDF files, print on A4 paper,
remember, you can download and print it on, but you can't edit it on every editing softwares.
on PDF, is a high resolution image, so don't you worry about low pixels.

You can stick the schedule time on your own note book and viola!
Happy On time day!


The cover book.

September with yell-ow

Pink Octobeers

Green green November

Why must green x-mas ? 

This is my own note book, and added with my schedule time.

Monday 7 October 2013

The creation of Adam

the most favorable and favorite artist for me is Michaelangelo, yeah, I love the painting like the creation of adam, the birth of Venus (Botticelli), or David's sculpture. 
This is just a joke drawing.


Sunday 6 October 2013

Anonymous / Hamba Allah


I got an idea for narcissism (jerk). yeah, just trace from my photo and did with digital painting (pen tablet) and I really tough if I was bored with vector. haha.
And Anonymous is just joked for guess who is that. In Bahasa Indonesia anonymous mean doesn't know, or civilization read it on Mosque or public activities when they name wasn't know other.

I want make like emotional face. haha 



http://ice-jayusgoblog.blogspot.com/Ice !